Outdoor Learning

At Hollydale Primary we are passionate about outdoor learning and spend every opportunity we can enjoying the great outdoors! We know that research tells us that being outside is great for wellbeing and it also provides endless awe and wonder to stimulate young minds. We use this to inspire children and ignite their curiosity about the world around them, providing innovation, challenges and open ended resources in their everyday experiences.

As well as daily opportunities to relax, learn and experience the outdoors, your child will also have lots of fun at their weekly Forest School sessions. Bug hunts, den building, climbing and toasting marshmallows are some of the many exciting learning experiences we provide whilst enjoying the secluded woodlands throughout the year. We embrace the amazing outdoors whatever the weather!

We seek to develop children’s understanding of the world around them and encourage them to be little scientists by using their imagination, emotions and senses providing activities such as mini-beast hunts, leaf matching, and picture making with natural materials. The children become aware of the sounds and smells associated with the outdoors, learning to respect and appreciate their natural surroundings.  Learning about life cycles, natural   habitats, tree identification and exploring the flora and fauna of our nurseries.

Outdoor Play is Fun!

Not only is playing outside great fun for children, its healthy for them too! It has been recognised that children that play outside have an increase in the vitamins D levels, helping them to build strong bones. It will also support children to gain mastery of their bodies, strength and co-ordination as well as build their resilience. At Hollydale Primary, we understand that children need and want to take some risks when they play. We aim to respond to these needs and interests by offering the children a stimulating and challenging environment where they can explore and learn.

Outdoor Learning and the Early Years Curriculum

Personal, social and emotional development:
During outdoor learning children are encouraged to make their own choices. The children as a result build self-esteem, independence, team work and self-confidence. Children develop social skills through sharing their experiences with peers and adults.

Physical Development:
Children will learn have the opportunity to experiment with different ways of moving and become more confident balancing and negotiating space. Children will learn to manipulate a range of tools and learn new skills like whittling wood!

Communication and Language:
Children will be exposed to new vocabulary, have the opportunity to discuss and share their findings, tell stories and share their own ideas.

Children will have opportunity to write in a new exciting environment. We encourage children to write and mark make using sticks, in puddles, on trees and even snow! Children will be asked to read instructions and stories, write labels for the plants in their surroundings and create an environment journal.

Children are able to count natural objects, spotting patterns, practising sorting shapes, measuring and given lots of opportunity for problem solving.

Understanding of the World:
Children will gain an understanding of the flora and fauna of our site. They are encouraged to think and talk about how things grow and building habitats and bug hotels to encourage wildlife.

Expressive arts and design:
Children will have the opportunity to make pictures using natural materials and paint pictures with mud paint. Forest school is an open and exciting environment which encourages role play and imaginative play